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Showing posts from November, 2017

Are you suffering from severe headache due to stress or tension?

Stress is the common cause of tension-type headaches and can trigger other types of headaches or make them worse. Headaches are most likely to happen when you are stressed. The everyday feeling can bring on headaches in a variety of ways. First, when people are stressed, they often tighten their neck and shoulders. Tense muscles in the back of the neck and even in the scalp can cause the “vice-like” compression many people use to describe stress-related headaches. Also, when under stress, many people clench their jaws and/or grind their teeth, both of which can  trigger headaches  all on their own. It may affect your day to day works and promises. If you are suffering from a severe headache due to heavy stress in your workplace, home, public places, etc. use instant pain relief balm or oil for your quick relief. KAJAH OIL is a very prestige’s product of RAJAH GROUP. Our 10 ml pack is the highest sale in the Oil segment. KAJAH OIL contains proven and time-tested i...

Are you suffering from severe cold? Get rid of it by instant cold relief

Cold is a  viral   infectious disease  of the  upper respiratory tract  that primarily affects the  nose . Cold symptoms typically take a few days to appear. The symptoms of a cold rarely appear suddenly.  Symptoms of cold: Nasal symptoms include: ·        congestion ·        sinus pressure       runny nose ·        stuffy nose ·        loss of smell or taste ·        sneezing ·        watery nasal secretions ·        postnasal drip or drainage in the back of your throat Head symptoms include: ·        watery eyes ·        headache ·        sore throat ·        cough ·  ...